You’ll be using the same serial number that the computer originally had when you first purchased it. Therefore this fix is truly for your genuine Apple hardware that has lost it’s serial number along the way on its logic board. The serial number is NOT transferrable between machines.

Performing this method will void any valid warranty your Mac may have. If you have an Apple warranty for your Mac that is still valid, it’s best to contact Apple Support first hand in order to have the serial number fixed.However, here are some VERY IMPORTANT reminders you should know before trying to fix this issue on your Mac’s serial number: The sample screenshot below shows that the Mac’s Serial Number indicates “Unavailable” which means the Mac has somewhat forgot its serial number for some unknown reason. However, problems may surface over time wherein some services such as iMessage or FaceTime will no longer allow you to log in. You can still install programs, log in to the Apple Store, use iMessage with your friends and colleagues, and so on. Very frustrating! Has anyone else ever experienced this? It seems like Apple is recycling serial numbers or at least they did with mine.For the most part, you can go along just fine with your Mac not knowing its serial number or revision (manufacture year). However, I feel like Apple is being a bit shady about it all. Now, if I check this Serial on third party sites, it seems to show the correct 2018 Macbook pro that I have. Here it is almost a week later and the Serial number results have not changed. They could not give me a case number, nor could they give me any kind of call confirmation, etc. They told me a case would be opened and to check the website again, a day later. The Tech department came back with " it looks correct on our end" but the sales support rep was getting the same results as I was. I was on the phone over an hour with them while they tried to sort it out. When I called Apple, they acted very confused and surprised when they punched in my serial, getting the same results as I.

When I punch in my Serial number it comes back with a macbook pro Mid 2010 ! Also the HD capacity and CPU are wrong. I was checking the other day what the trade in value would be using Apple's trade in website url. I purchased a 2018 15" Macbook pro last year from Apple's refurbished website.